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A Dream Cum True – Page 14


12 responses to “A Dream Cum True – Page 14”

  1. How the hell she been asleep this whole time, I wouldn’t be sleeping if I had liquids on me, that shit wakes you up, she gotta be like a supersleeper or something

  2. bro how tf she wake up see him in front of her feel liquid on her body then say NAHH IS PROLLY NOTHIN!

    if i felt liquid on me when im asleep im jumpin right the fuck up ong

  3. aww… i thought she would see all the cum on top of her and actually join the fun.

    WAIT! is this what i think it is? i bet two pencils and one clip that this whole sex scene was just a dream, and that when he wakes up, it turns out koi was playing with his midnight boner which is why he felt like he was really fucking koi (he really was kinda, which caused him to dream that in the first place). that’s my theory!

    or maybe I’m wrong.


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