Apple (or Apple Chu) is a main character of the Tales From NGCC series. She claims to be a student at Newgrounds Community College, but has no clearly defined major. Apple is often seen around the campus attempting to sell various products and services to the students, and is friends with Ano, Bog, Koi, Richelle, and Moku.
Apple often portrays herself as selfish, lazy, and out for her own interests, sometimes even neglecting her friends in the process. Because she frequently acts overambitious, conniving, loud, and power-hungry, most people tend to dislike her. She's also abrasive and inconsiderate to people she perceives to be “lesser-than” or a threat. She can be highly arrogant and self-absorbed, with many describing her as a "narcissist". Her abrasive personality is merely a defensive front, however, and to people who bypass her filters, she can be a deeply loving and loyal friend. Apple, when engaged, is surprisingly driven and ambitious. She’s not afraid to take on new challenges. Her intuition is unusually sharp, and her critical thinking skills are often a major asset for her friends. Apple is very intelligent in a variety of fields, but most people are unaware, as her attitude tends to turn people away.
Apple is a dark-skinned women who wears a long tan t-shirt with red/orange/yellow accents and the words “NEKA” written on the chest area. She is 4’10”, with poofy hair that adds an extra inch to her height. Apple wears a variety of outfits, most of which are designed by Neka, who she became good friends with due to being pen-pals.