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A Dream Cum True – Page 12


18 responses to “A Dream Cum True – Page 12”

  1. I wish to see the Character arc of Finn facing the consequenses of his terrible decisions, leading to him Valuing what he lost.
    Though I do also understand that we don’t need to aswell, it would spice things up heavily.

  2. I hope Finn obtains the Generally real concept: consequenses for his actions.

    As the action is so Powerfully destructive it would lead to heavy and intersting events to explore.
    Just remember you don’t have to listen to me, its fantasy you can ingore some aspects and keep others I find the story personally intersting.

    So if you’re looking for a bit of braindump of topics you’d rather not care about, Thank you for Reading and enjoy a Good Pancake.

    K you up for it?

    Here it is, Finn tooks advantage of a person under a state which they wouldn’t be able to move or think about their actions, leading to them being unable to consent, which leads to Finn basically commiting Rape.
    (I guess it depends on person to person if in that state their fine with the Sex or not, since if your partner is Fine with it, its no longer counts.
    Here Defenitly Koi Never wanted this from what we know of her.)

    Which would lead to Koi Losing most of her Respect she had for her Younger Brother, though still keeping some of her Compassion as she personally sees his actions as more of a lack of forsight than disrespect.
    And she knows him more personally seeing his action as out of character.( though he still commited it)

    most of their Family that Now Hates Finn’s entire existence, and do not want to associate with him anymore, some stay but just to get Finn’s side and a little still try to care for Finn to see if he’s willing to change.(espically Koi)

    One is trying to Torment him for Revenge.

    Ano, who I believe is Steve’s Girlfriend well he’s lack of loyality tells me they were more Friends with Benefits.

    Anyway she doesn’t hold a Grudge just major Dissapointment, doesn’t forgive steve unlike Koi, But will allow him to earn her Forgiveness.

    She’s just gonna hold a Line Finn needs to never cross again.

    Finn through all of this starts to appriecate something He Lost: His valuable and Loving Platonic relationships, espically with his Caring Chi.

    Finn’s own Depression Pushes him to act, to getu well atlease what he thinks is better, By taking higher risks at his own life that mosly benefit him if he survives, if he dies well atleast he knows they won’t have to deal with a Monster like him ever again.

    Thats my Headcanon and I love it from its Character arc, Lessons, addition of Cool shit from Finn’s Major lack of caring about his life leading him to being Removed from fear entirely as he’s long past accepted death.

  3. Finn(to himself):What do you get when we allow you’re desparate Feelings Destroy the one thing keeping you Alive, Treating you chi Like Trash?!?”
    Finn(the Oni):*Smirks awakardly*
    Finn(The Person with a Fallen tear from his Left eye):”I’ll telL you what you get!” *Pull’s out Imaginary Napalm* “You get what you Fucking Deserve!”
    Burns the entity, it does Nothing.
    Finn(The thing): “HeHehahahaHiiu”
    *Finn thing Slowly fades away*
    Finn sits back in his couch from his deadspace, with an expression so Blank, surprisingly you would see him dead with.

    Staring at a Blackout TV.

    • Man I wrote an entire Pargraph on the cosenquenses of not valuing something platonic relationships.

      Now i don’t know how to get back, so I guess I’ll do it again.


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